The little office that could

We have been truly blessed in the last month to finally be in an expanded office space. We have space on Euclid Avenue, a few doors down from a Cleveland insitution—Rascal House pizza. We are across the street from Cleveland State University and there is never a dull moment.

Besides getting this new space, we received a wonderful donation from Covia Corporation of office furniture from a space that they were exiting. Their gift has enabled us to be up and running as an office almost instantly. And running is the appropriate word.

We have launched about 30 tables since January of 2018. We have one full time and two part time people (both working more than part time) supporting this effort. The team is amazing. Passionately loving youth and volunteers through all sorts of scenarios. We are a learning culture. We will always keep learning how to do things better. We will also always make mistakes and do what we can to learn from those also.

We see lots of struggling and lots of engagement and lots of laughing and crying. We see youth hungry for support and caring people. We see community members hungry to share what they know with young people. It is a great exchange and it is never boring.

We are about to have another informational meeting and we are inviting the community to join us to hear about all that has happened in 2018. This is a community initiative after all and without the community, we wouldn’t be here today. So if you are interested in coming to hear some inspiring stories please register and come on Oct. 25th at 6pm: